I haven't done a proper garden blog yet. I've taken pictures of it from a dirt plot to a thriving green bunch of things so that will find its way here at some point. But, this weekend, I seemed to have gone all Little House on the Praire - maybe because of my cold. So, now is a good time to do a bit of introducing to my heavenly 12 x 5 foot plot of dirt. Today, I "harvested" one beet, two radishes, 3 sunflowers, and herbs (you have to start somewhere). Then I cooked using tons of left over Thanksgiving veggies etc. I also fed my Amish Friendship Bread, but that's a whole blog in itself! Anyway, I guess I'll introduce you to my little organic garden plot a bit backwards by way of the final food dishes.

My first beet! I actually roasted it and ate it with salt, pepper and olive oil. And while red beets aren't my favorite, it tasted great because I grew it! Although I can't wait to use the beets (soon, they are getting big!), next year I will try to plant only golden beets because they are so sweet and tender. This was a varietal pack of seeds.

And my first two radishes. The smaller one came out by accident....
I still have about twice this much basil left in the garden. I'll probably cut it all down this weekend. It was a wonderfully bountiful plant, but it seems its time has come and the space can be used for something a bit more "winter cropish". Everyone at the garden mocks my sunflowers. They have full sized sunflower heads on freakishly short (maybe one foot) bodies! I planted them late but bless their little sunflower leaves they bloomed anyway. I cut three today to bring home.

When life gives you basil...make pesto. I froze most of it, but kept a bit out for some paninis tomorrow. The Squeeze has become quite the Panini Master with his toy from Williams - Sonoma!

I also decided to finally make soup from the leftover Turkey. I used fresh herbs from my garden: thyme, oregano, rosemary, parsley, and sage.

And it made a yummy soup.... Given my cold, I should have made this on Friday rather than Sunday. Live. Learn.
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