I've been short on time for both Photo Friday and A Squid's Eye View from the Garden (I think a separate blog is in order and will work on that, um, someday soon). So, today I took a few garden shots with my iphone while I frantically watered. The phone has a green rubber protective cover with a Paul Frank monkey on it (to always remind me not to listen to what the buddhists call our "monkey brain"), but it sometimes leave a green aura around my shots. Hmmm, I wonder if that means lots of green is coming my way: cabbage, broccoli, money...I'll be happy for any of it!!

My gi-normous sunflowers are now bird feed. For every season....right?

But, new ones are on the bloom. This one is now taller than the corn. Totally different type of sunflower from exactly the same seed packet. Go figure.

And this one was me tripping on some clippings as I took it. But, I really liked how it came out and was actually bummed it was only on my iphone rather than my actual camera in RAW.
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