I hadn't been to the garden for quite a few days because I was sick and my squash and potato plants had become like something from a science fiction movie. I ended up having to cut back the squash because it had some kind of mold which I'm told won't impeded on my tiny growing squash, but was traveling to my snap peas so chopchopchop went the infected leaves. I also took out the lush catgrass because a ton of snails were hiding in it during the day and eating my broccoli plant to bits at night! I loved it at first when the garden was still just tiny seedlings because it had grown so fast and tall that it made me feel a bit of immediate gratification while I waited to see if any of my seeds would grow into plants.
Todays "harvest" included the last of the basil for more pesto and a few snap peas. It was also time to take the tiny broccoli heads. I cut two more freakish sunflowers and headed home to make a stir fry with the peas and broccoli for me and The Squeeze. The broccoli in particular was really, really yummy.

An early shot of the snap pea growing across my "bridge to nowhere". My Dad reminded me it was how my Uncle Al used to grow them...by making string lines for them to wrap around. Mine is strung over the monster squash.

You are such a little old Italian lady!